Building strong & healthy families, one person at a time.


We help MUMS & DADS lose fat & maintain it, get fit & strong and create healthier families with our sustainable lifestyle methods & services.

Our Services


    We offer 10 Week Premium Personal Training packages (including training & nutrition) offered from our private home gym studio located in Castle Hill NSW suitable all goals & all fitness levels.


    We offer various 12 week ONLINE COACHING options for those seeking an online personalised nutrition and/or exercise plan with weekly coaching support & accountability.


    If fat loss is your primary goal and you want a low cost , all inclusive 8 week fat loss exercise & nutrition plan to follow and get guaranteed results this service is for you! Click below to learn more.


    This service provides 4 x Example Meal Plans tailored specifically to you and your current health and fitness goals ( fat loss, maintenance or surplus). Click below for more info.

Our pillars for success

  • Nutrition

    We can teach you a sustainable & realistic method to fat loss & maintaining your weight, whilst eating all the foods you enjoy with no guilt or uncertainty attached. Ditch the yo-yo diets for good!

  • Exercise

    Learn enjoyable & effective exercise methods to get you fit, strong and most importantly, feeling good. Suitable for time-poor individuals who need to maximise the time spent away from their family & friends.

  • Strong Mindset + Healthy Habits

    We can teach you how to have a rock solid mindset & daily habits that set you up for success and long-lasting change. We know how important these are to have for sustainable + long term lifestyle changes.

Browse our ONLINE SHOP

Meet your coaches

Nick & Rachel Giampietro
(husband & wife team)


through Coaching

Empowerment through Education


We believe in creating a coaching experience that delivers connection, education & empowerment. We are passionate parents determined to show our clients how to achieve results using sustainable & realistic methods.

We know that empowering & educating our clients are the most important factors in helping them achieve their goals.

We’re the kind of investment that will change your life.

All services are offered by fully pre & post natal certified coaches

You can have full confidence & trust in knowing that all coaches at Strong Fams have completed extensive pre & post natal certifications and therefore are highly equipped and educated in offering safe & appropriate nutrition and exercise advice during your pregnancy & post-natal journeys via all our services.

What our clients are saying…

"I had poor gut health, low energy, bad self-confidence, and had done multiple diets, had so many different online coaches with no success. Now, after working with Strong Fams, I have lost about 10kgs, I am more confident and happy than ever before and I know how to keep this weight off for good."


“Working with Rachel & Nick completely changed my relationship with food and inspired me to help others. I have just finished my Cert 4 in Fitness and almost an accredited Sports Nutritionist all because I loved this journey 
I can’t thank you both enough.”

— Janelle

Check out our clients’
incredible transformations