Strong Fams Results

These are all real results from real clients we have working with in various services since 2018.

We don’t make up reviews and our testimonials are direct quotes from our clients.

REAL RESULTS take time & dedicated hard work, but as you will see from the images below that you can achieve what you want if you work with us.

What People Are Saying
about Strong Fams

Strong Fams Dural Gym with childcare services


“I decided to come to Strong Mamas (now Strong Fams) as I had poor gut health, low energy, bad self confidence and had done multiple diets, had so many different personal trainers with no success. I saw the content they were posting on social media and it resonated with me. I didn’t just want to lose weight, I wanted to create a whole new lifestyle for myself which is exactly what I have done. I have lost around 10kgs, I am more confident and happy than I have ever been and more importantly I have found a new life. I have learnt so much and I know I will never go back to the unhealthy life I was living. I have a new outlook and without Strong Mamas help and guidance I wouldn’t have been able to have such a positive journey this time round.”



“Before Strong Fams I had done multiple low calorie 8 week challenges at other gyms but always seemed to put the weight back on or not stick to it because of uncontrollable hunger from being on really low calories. But I challenged myself with the mentorship to learn more about food, be kind to myself and develop a good relationship with food and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done! I lost 11% BF in 10 weeks, I gained knowledge, I’m happy within myself, my diet is flexible and I eat the things that I like within moderation so I rarely ‘crave’ food. I have stopped binge eating, I track my calories and I actually work out less and see massive results! So thank you guys ! I’m a much happier and healthier person because of this!”

Strong Fams Dural Gym - Fat Loss Challenge Dural NSW


“I contacted Strong Fams in the hope of just getting my general health back up and to gradually lose weight. Originally I did not give myself a goal as I wasn’t sure what seemed realistic but doing this training and nutrition plan I’ve come to realise I can reach any goal through this program. Always tried quick fix ways for my health but nothing has ever worked. This program has easily slotted in my life and doesn’t even feel like work! I’ve managed to achieve more then I ever thought I could. . Not only have I lost 10 kgs and feel so much more confident my mental health has improved out of this world. I have learnt more in the past few months about training and nutrition then ever before. Could not recommend it more!!”

Want epic results like these?
A Strong Fam starts with you.