5 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight


Everybody wants to lose weight but no one knows exactly how.

We get it – you’ve tried every “diet” under the sun, only to find yourself back where you started feeling deflated and disappointed yet again.

Well – Look no further…

Here are our 5 tips to losing weight and the principles we use to get the awesome client results we do.

1. You’re not eating in a calorie deficit

It’s really simple. To lose fat you need to be eating less calories than you are burning each day. The only way to know this is to track calories/macros and knowingly eat in a calculate calorie deficit. This magic number is different for each woman and is what our coaches will work out for you – all you have to do is eat the amazing array of foods we prescribe you to eat!

2. You’re N.E.A.T levels are low

N.E.A.T stands for “non exercise activity thermogenesis” which is a fancy term for a way of monitoring how many calories you burn each day outside of your regular training sessions. We monitor this via giving all our clients a daily step goal which can be tracked using a device like a fitbit, activity watch or your phone. This is really important to follow and track as NEAT levels can account for 15-30% of total calories burned every day.

3. You’re not following a strength based program that aims for progress

In order to see progress you MUST track every element of your health and fitness journey – including your training program. Do you currently turn up to the gym with no plan or program and just wing it but feel like you’re not seeing results? Or are you attending group classes with no periodisation and feel like you’re just not getting stronger? We write all our programs with progressive overload in mind . We want you beating your numbers each week (either total weigh, total reps or total sets) as this is a measure of strength and your ability to build muscle with helps increase metabolic rate = more calories burned.

4. Your stress is too high

Did you know elevated stress levels are one of the few things that can actually impact fat loss? Yep – you know it. In a nutshell – when we are stressed our body releases cortisol which temporarily down-regulates our immune system, reproductive system and digestive system . Our body thinks it is in a state of fight or flight (e.g being faced with a tiger and deciding to run or fight) so it turns down those three systems and therefore our ability to burn fat is compromised. Our coaches will not take your stresses away but teach you the tools to help you deal with them so they are no longer a stressor and you are not impacted by this problem.

5. Your sleep quality is poor

Poor sleep causes our leptin hormone to drop (which helps keep us satisfied and our metabolic rate high) which then causes our ghrelin hormone (hunger hormone) to rise, meaning we are less satisified by foods and more hunger = eating more = fat gain. Our coaches can give you various tips and/or supplementation to assist with improving your sleep quality.

There are the 5 simple keys to results and the major principles we follow for all our transformations here at Strong Fams

Contact us today to work with one our coaches and get a whole body and life transformation!


3 Tips to Staying Motivated on a Diet