3 Tips to Staying Motivated on a Diet


Every one lacks motivation on a diet (even us).

So, you’re definitely not alone.

Here our 3 tips for staying motivated on your new journey to a better you.

1. Own your power and choice in every situation

I know life can throw you some curve balls and sometimes you end up in a situation that isn’t ideal, another chance to “ruin your diet”. Food and alcohol tempting you at every corner – but its important to know you always have a choice.

Social event you had to attend? – Pack your own food or eat before you go so. If it’s a sit down meal and you can order from a menu have a chat with your coach and work into your plan.

Copping criticism from your friends and family? Explain your current goal to your peers and help them understand how important it is to you to stay on track. You can still have a good time without over indulging and eating foods that don’t serve you any purpose!

Finding it hard to get your steps in? Wake up an hour earlier or utilise your time better i.e park further from work or get off the station earlier.

Travelling? – Pack your foods and be prepared , research local supermarkets and healthy restaurants and find a gym near you that you can casually visit. Take your lifestyle with you – don’t leave it behind.

You get the gist! You always have a choice.

2. Don’t turn a bad day into a whole week

It’s not an “All or nothing attitude”. At the end of the day we are all human and have flaws but when we slip up its important to accept what is and use that set back as motivation to step up your game the next day/meal etc. Consistency gets you to your goals and as long as the good out weighs the bad then you’re on the right track. Also word of advice – Be HONEST with your coach if you have a massive slip up – no use lying about it or feeling shame. Your coach can tweak a few things to account for it, but only if you’re honest.

3. Remember this doesn’t last forever

Yes you will make temporary sacrifices to get to your initial goal but its important to remind yourself “This isn’t going to be my life forever”. It is a small portion of your life that you are fully committing to and once you reach your goal – then you can treat yourself every now a by making educated choices. Remember this is TEMPORARY. It is a short term pain for a long term gain – and you will be SO thankful that you hang in there when the going gets tough.

You got this!


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